Guest House Mortgage: lifestyle change move to Whitby

Europa guest house front view

Keith & Yvonne had struggled during the pandemic like many other people to find a mortgage broker/lender that had appetite for new to trade operators, particularly where there were limited trading accounts available. Thankfully they found our website online and got in touch.

The trading circumstances and limited accounts made it a real challenge to source any lenders with appetite to consider and move forward with the loan Keith and Yvonne required, however, as we at Stewart Hindley specialise in mortgages for guesthouses, particularly new to trade operators, we have a good relationship with several specialist lenders as a result we were very confident would be able to support Keith & Yvonne during this challenging period.

However, it wasn’t all plain sailing; there were some hold ups with the solicitors, which was very stressful for our clients, as it was looking likely that the conveyancing work that needed to be undertaken was going to take longer than expected delaying the completion.

Throughout the process Stewart Hindley’s Case Manager was always on hand and liaised between all parties to keep things on track and moving in the right direction, even when matters were outside of our direct control.

Keith & Yvonne were provided with updates throughout the process giving them the reassurance that we at Stewart Hindley could deliver the results they wanted after their initial declines, and we did just that!

Keith & Yvonne have said that without our support it is very unlikely they would be where they are today and are now proud owners of The Europa Guest House in Whitby and looking forward to welcoming their first guests.

What Keith & Yvonne say about Stewart Hindley

Stewart Hindley was absolutely amazing, Janette was brilliant all the way through the process, which at times seemed would never happen.

Janette was always on the other end of the phone with her calm and very professional way which took the stress out of the problems we were having to overcome.

There is no doubt in my mind without the help from both Chris and Janette our B&B would have never of got off the ground.

I would highly recommend Stewart Hindley every time and cannot thank them enough for all of their professional help.

Next case study

Guest House Loan – Bay Court, Llandudno

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